Encouraging manageable lifestyle changes for health and happiness, through research and personal experience.

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's Time to Brag (and get accountability)!

We've made it through a full work week in 2010 plus two weekend opportunities to be healthy and active! Are you willing to share your New Years Resolutions? Let us know your goals and how things have gone thus far! Perhaps you've come up with some tips that might be helpful to others! Maybe you've experienced some struggles that I or other followers can assist you with.
Publicly posting your goals will help you stay on track and give you an excellent support system to encourage you and share experiences along the way. Please add your comments below!

The last post was all about goal setting. One very important point to mention is that you MUST accept that there will be set backs! There will be mornings when the comforter wins over the tennis shoes and the chocolate cake is victorious over the bowl of fruit. THAT IS OKAY! You need to find a lifestyle that is manageable to continue living and enjoying, while continuing to progress towards your ultimate goal. This should not feel like a punishment. With that said, don't punish yourself if you miss a workout one day... or even a few days in a row. You have not failed. What is most important is to resist the urge to say "I'll start again next week." NO! If the day is not over yet... there is still a chance to fit a healthy morsel into THIS day. If it is the end of the day, start fresh in the morning... don't wait for the calendar to flip to a new week... a new month... or even a new year. Each day, each hour is an opportunity to start again.

Please! Share your goals and progress thus far!
If you are looking for additional assistance or direction, I should have my new online personal training site up within the next day... so stay tuned for details on FREE online training and wellness consultations for the month of January! (notice: I posted this last week and I'm posting it again in order to hold MYSELF accountable!).

Have a HEALTY day!
~ Fit Britt

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to start off the year right, so my husband and I decided to buy a 2 week whole body cleanse kit from Trader Joe's to get some toxins out - it's our first time doing a cleanse and we chose Trader Joe's because it's non-stimulative and has three components in capsule form - digestive, liver, and fiber formulas with the goal of flushing out toxins in the intestines, liver, and lymphs. While you're doing the cleanse you need to drink plenty of water, and avoid eating red meats, portk, simple carbs, sugars, alcohol, and limit your amount of wheat and dairy. So even without the supplements, just sticking to that diet for 2 weeks is a cleanse in itself! I'm not sure exactly how effective the cleanse is but I think it's a great way to start off the year because it gets you focused on eating healthy and drinking lots of water, something I don't usually do. Other than that, we bought a scale after not having one for 3 years so we're monitoring our weight and body fat percentage, and trying to run 5 days/week and doing sit-ups, push-ups, and some work with stability balls, kettlebells and free weights at home.

