Encouraging manageable lifestyle changes for health and happiness, through research and personal experience.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

So... I have to say, I think about blogging just about every day. I have so many ideas that I jot down that I could be writing about, so many great tidbits that I am learning through my classes, experiences in my own life, etc.

So why haven't I been blogging? My reason has been, wait for it... I think you know this one... "I've been too busy. I DON'T HAVE TIME!" But it's time for me to be honest with myself... and it's time for you to do the same.

What do we really mean when we say we don't have time to do something? Let's be honest, we are saying that it just isn't a priority. There are other things we'd rather do than [fill in the blank]... blog, exercise, cook a healthy dinner, get a health screening, etc. We all have 24 hours in our day, we all have the same opportunities.

You and I both need to evaluate our priorities. Once upon a time, when we were filled with emotion and excitement, we passionately and outwardly set a goal for ourselves. Then, over time, motivation started to fade for one reason or another... with exercise perhaps you haven't found something you enjoy, you haven't seen the results you wanted to, something "more important" filled its' place for one day and then another. Each day we have the same decision to make all over again.... how important is our goal to us? Will it be a priority today?

Let's start by re-evaluating. Put together a list of the reasons why we want to reach our goal. What are the pros of acheiving it? What are the cons of not?? Look further into the future... how can acheiving this goal help your life? Better health? Better self confidence? More successful? Better relationships? Write these down and put them where you will see them regularly, posted on the fridge, bathroom mirror, etc. Give yourself a daily reminder of why this goal is important to you.

Each day we can chose to make either decision, and we won't always make the decision in favor of our goal... but let's not kid ourselves into thinking that it's a "time" issue. It's a priority issue.

I hope you'll be hearing from me again soon, because it is important to ME to be here to motivate YOU on your journey of health and happiness.

Have a HEALTHY day!
~ Fit Britt

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this! It was a good 2x4 to the head. You're right. I make time for a lot of other things, so I should make time for exercising.

